Technological advancements in the long term care industry enable Park Shore to serve facilities more efficiently through real-time interfaces and a much-needed paperless system.
Some of our featured technology includes:
- A high-performing delivery tracking system with hand-held scanners to document real-time signatures
- An electronic document management database providing for instant document retrieval
- The HL7 interface, enabling electronic medication administration record (eMAR) technology
- eMAR programs, giving facilities the opportunity to revolutionize current operations
- Bar code scanning technology to complement eMAR functions
- Automated pill dispensing machines
- Ability to accept all electronic prescriptions
Our philosophy regarding eMAR programs is to provide whichever program best fits the facilities we serve. Park Shore works with multiple eMAR companies as a result, providing an array of eMAR options. If you’d like an eMAR demonstration or to learn about the implementation process, email for additional information.