Delivery & Shipping

At Park Shore, we understand the importance of reliable deliveries.  Residents depend on the contents of Park Shore packages.  Park Shore’s pharmacy staff meticulously assembles packages for delivery, and the delivery team handles packages with care and is held accountable for timely delivery.  Our delivery team uses state-of-the-art delivery tracking technology, allowing Park Shore to:

  • Document signatures electronically
  • Identify the location of drivers
  • Provide real-time proof of delivery
  • Integrate delivery information with other pharmacy programs


Depending on the needs of your facility, Park Shore delivers from once a month to multiple times a day, and we also offer priority shipping options with next-day, door-step delivery.  Our shipping program has enabled us to provide our premier services to facilities throughout the state of Florida, in conjunction with Park Shore’s Back-up Pharmacy Program. 

All Park Shore packages are easy to identify and organized according to each facility’s request.  If one of our current routes does not meet the needs of your facility, we will devise a new route for you.

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    63739 street lorem ipsum City, Country


    +12 (0) 345 678 9